Thursday, September 29, 2011


Many animals carry diseases that can be passed on to each other, such as mange in dogs. Some animals carry diseases that, rather scarily, can be passed on to humans too.

DOGS and CATS carry parasites such as tapeworms and roundworms, which live inside them. The eggs of parasites pass out in the feaces of the dog or cat. People can end up with these parasites, too, if they get the eggs in their hands by touching dogs, and then eat without washing their hands. Regularly ‘worming’ or treating your dog or cat kills the worms.

RATS live almost everywhere that people live. They spread many diseases, including food poisoning, typhus and bubonic plague. In the 14th century, the plague became known as Black Death. It was passed on to humans by infected fleas from the rats. The Black Death may have killed as many as 50 million people in Europe.

PIGEONS are abundant in many towns around the world. The birds can carry a disease that affects their lungs and the lungs of people. Symptoms of the disease are mild in pigeons, but can be serious in humans. People catch the disease by breathing in dust containing specks of the bird’s faeces. Bacteria in the faeces can give a person a fever.

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